Unfinished Conversations…

On every lazy evening, we all friends meet up, play catch-up with our ordinary lives and exhaust all the topics that give us reasons not to call it a day. But after a while, after digging up everything that we can talk about, silence starts to creep in, Silence, that u wish, be blown away into thousand pieces by something, Something that pushes the entire evening towards a long haul…

And then, as u prepare to return home, like the day before, somebody suddenly starts:


Say, Why ‘Lovemaking’ is such an enjoyable experience? Had it not been for the purpose of Reproduction, would God have made it the way it feels? I mean, even though most of us (I’m assuming) hadn’t done it, yet, we all have no doubt about its desirable & enjoyable (to put it mildly) nature. And that’s only because we have been ‘Told So’ – directly or indirectly, since coming of age. But what happened in ‘The Beginning’, When there was nobody to tell this… … to Adam & Eve? Why did they ‘(Let’s) Do It’ in the first place? I guess, the setting would be something like this:

‘One evening, they would be short on Firewood. And while trying out different ways of lighting a fire, they would have accidently ‘Done It’. And Adam would be all like – “That’s…… umm…  Nice…” And Eve would be like – “Yessss!! Yessss!!!” And when Eve’s belly would start ballooning, she would be – “Oohhh, What’s happening to me!!” And Adam would be like – “Gotchha”. And after 9 months, when ‘Adam Junior’ would pop out of the most unimaginable place, Adam would be like – “Fuck!!! What the hell???”  And Eve would be like – “We should name him ‘Adam Junior’”. And Adam would be like – “We???” ……………………………………”


What follows is a Censorable Debate that drowns the evening for next couple of hours…


About Aditya

Hi, I am Aditya Parab, currently studying @ Dept. of Management Studies , IIT Delhi. Apart from Blogging, my interests are in Travelling, Serious Readings, Movies, Soccer, Finance & Media 2.0 . I can be reached @ E-Mail - thefountainhead86@gmail.com . Twitter - aditya_parab
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