Not without my Stubble…

Men, how often do we sit down in that position – that particular one, with one hand resting on the arm of the chair & other one caressing our tilted chin, with eyes staring into the past or the future and our mind running on the Treadmill of Thoughts – taking stock of life, wondering, “Why do I suck in all those Big interviews, 1st dates, jittery presentations
& meetings with boss?” In case, u haven’t realized the answer yet, feel your chin once again. Literally! Still no clue? The reason is – Your Stubble / or the Absence of it.

Yes. The only perceivable difference between our ‘Normal’-Self & our ‘In-the-Interview’-Self is the Missing Stubble! The entire farce of the Interview (or other above-mentioned occasions, like girl-situation…) is a big fat conspiracy to make us feel alien inside our own body – the Leather Shoes, the Formals, the Tie! And getting rid of our laboriously cultivated Stubble is the starting nudge towards the spiraling fall that inevitably follows…

Imagine u r in your favorite food joint – that’s KFC, of course. U order a bucketful of chicken. When it arrives, u discover, to your horror, that the Crunchy, Crispy Skin, the skin that makes the ‘F’ in KFC stands out, is missing from all the pieces!!! The skin is the best part! And as this could be the worst possible way of serving KFC to customers, presenting
yourself without your Stubble, would be the worst way of self-presentation in front of people who can possibly change your life… Isn’t interview supposed to be the occasion to let the people ‘Taste’ the best of u?

Not long ago, I had an epiphany that our Stubbles have a direct connection to our brains. Every bit of caressing, stroking, scratching we do, goes into simulating those almighty ‘Grey Cells’. And this is so hard-wired into us, that every time we face a situation or confronted by a dilemma, our hand automatically travels northwards and takes vacation on our chins (or cheeks). Something must be cooking there, right?

Do I need to give the accounts of countless wise men who had one Distinctive feature common? A mere look at the history will tell us that the Strength of Sagacity was/is/will always be directly proportional to the Length &Thickness of the Stubble (even a ‘Goatee’ can work wonders on a Man’s intellect). Also, have u not openly wondered, why there r so many wise ‘men’ but only a few wise ‘women’? If u r carrying a Stubble, you’ll get the point. “A Man, without his stubble, is like a Jedi without his Lightsaber!” (Star Wars, anybody?)
The moment we pick that evil razor up, we spell doom for ourselves. The moment we put it down, stupidity begins with the application of a Burning after-shave. What moron, rubs salt own his own wounds! Thus starts a long train of uncomfortable situations, stupid responses and imminent failures… For once, our body tries to bail us out – our hand again travels northwards, trying to find its landing spot on our face. But, like a knee-jerk reaction, it draws itself back, sensing an inhospitable, alien surface.  Casted out by our ‘grey cells’, we fall flat in every situation that requires even a pinch of intelligent response…

Owing to our self-caused misfortune, the whole situation turns into a catch-22! The troubles that follow after the departure of our stubbles, try to tell us about the point when it all started. We, stubbleless, clueless, abandoned by our brains, fail to hear through the noise of self-doubt. To make ourselves more ‘Presentable’, we start a vicious circle. A circle, which begins with a horrific morning ritual involving the evil Razor…


About Aditya

Hi, I am Aditya Parab, currently studying @ Dept. of Management Studies , IIT Delhi. Apart from Blogging, my interests are in Travelling, Serious Readings, Movies, Soccer, Finance & Media 2.0 . I can be reached @ E-Mail - . Twitter - aditya_parab
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