Runnin foraa ‘CAUSE’…

Even though he didn’t have any when he began running the marathon, by the end of the 3rd kilometer (or the 4th song on his iPod), there wasn’t slightest of a doubt in his mind that he was Runnin-foraa-Cause. You see, when the starting shots were fired, he took off in style, finding his way through the waves of colorful ‘Bottoms’ of various sizes. Bursting with energy, his legs moved on the beats of the handpicked playlist, as he eased past first couple of kilometer-signs in no time. Little relaxed, he sensed the current in the air. The atmosphere was electrifying! Thousands of people were running – WITH HIM. Hundreds of spectators, lining up along the sides of roads were waving n cheering – FOR HIM. He tried to picture Sylvester Stallone – in his famous Rocky-Run. And suddenly, on the inside, he felt something he had never felt before while running…

His Bladder was FULL! His Bladder was so FULL that he felt it was about to burst at any moment! “Ooooohhfff….” He thought. A mobile toilet had just passed some 200 meters before. “Just…” he sighed. Still feeling pressure, he kept on running with the hope of soon finding the next toilet. Now, he was indeed Running for a ‘CAUSE’…

It was hard! It had been at least 15 minutes since he started running with his head between his knees. His Bladder was growing by the minute! Every stride he took, acknowledged the futility of the effort. Every water-stand he passed by made him nauseate – even though he felt as thirsty as a crow. His body had run out of all the juice, except for his Bladder, which had at least a bucketful of it. “Damn you Bladder!” he cursed under his breath. No toilet was in sight yet! Even though extremely conscious of his public image (“To pee or not to pee”–that was the question!), he shamefully looked for a ‘Wall’. There were none. And even all the corners were guarded by the cheering crowd, so he dropped that Plan. Summoning all the courage, and requesting his ‘Junior’ to hold on for a while, he ran. He ran HARD! Then he ran some more…

Finally!!! After fighting seemingly lost battle with his Bladder, as he was about to Tap Out, he saw IT! And before anybody else would, he made a dash for it. Inside the toilet, he positioned himself, holding onto his… well holding onto his breath, he aimed for the glory. That was the greatest Piss he had ever taken! The entire toilet smelled of Victory. He came out Relieved. And then he realized how far he had come from the point where starting shots were fired. 8 kilometers! That means for 5-fucking-kilometers he had run with a FULL Bladder & a STIFF Junior!!!

The next 13 odd kilometers were like a series of cake-walks compared to what he had just come through. He jogged next couple of kilometers basking in the glory of his ‘Monstrous Achievement’. As he went past the India Gate, his hand shot in the air to salute the monument, remembering how agonizingly close he came to ‘Taking a Leak In Front of the India Gate’! That could have been the worst haunting memory of his life!! But, instead of getting mad, he thanked his Gods. After all, in place of his Bladder, they could easily have picked his Bowels!!!

About Aditya

Hi, I am Aditya Parab, currently studying @ Dept. of Management Studies , IIT Delhi. Apart from Blogging, my interests are in Travelling, Serious Readings, Movies, Soccer, Finance & Media 2.0 . I can be reached @ E-Mail - . Twitter - aditya_parab
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